7157 S Perry Ave
Welcome to 7157 S Perry Ave! You will not be using the front door or gate. Your access point will be the side entrance of the property located on 72nd st next to the driveway.

You can park two cars on the driveway as shown below and up to 5 cars inside the property. That space is accessible once you are inside the property. Please, do not park on the street or blocking anyone else’s driveway.

Use your code for the manual doors are 0312. Turn the deadbolt to the right. Manually lock the gate door behind the grey box cover. To lock the gate when you leave, press the top button and turn the deadbolt to the left. This is for all manual locks

Welcome to the Perry property! Access into the house is through the back door.

Use the code for the manual doors which is 0312. Turn the deadbolt to the right. Manually lock the gate door behind the grey box cover. To lock the gate when you leave, press the top button and turn the deadbolt to the left. This is for all manual locks

“Yelp” doors open with 0114. Press Yelp button to activate and punch in code 0114. followed by ✅- to lock press Yelp. This is for all Yelp doors and alarm deactivation code.

Once you have access inside the property gates, you can continue to walk across the property. Open the gate to access more private parking.

Please park your car(s) in this fashion. Please do not park on the street.

Deactivate the alarm using the same code as before 0114 for the pin. You can set it on and of using this key pad.